Life is full of dead ends- or what you think are dead ends-
Step back and see that it might be just a obstacle to your goal and not the end -
Even your little child-self could solve any maze- see the bird’s view and hop around it- solve it backwards, climb through it, or even ask for help.
Sometimes life is like that- you might not see the way at first- it seems blocked.
Think of it in a new way- climb over it with the help of others, turn it upside down and see it from a different perspective.
Get help with it- be creative with it.
There is no impossibilities that can’t eventually be solved. It might take practice, discipline, teamwork, years of brainstorming- but it can be done.
So when life gives you dead ends- don’t give up- solve it a new way- try another door- knock down a wall- whatever it takes to get through.
That’s the difference between dreamers and doers.